Book our newly released wedding invitation videos and invite your loved one in an artistic style

Our Services


Pre Designed Video

Templates for Video

Trending Wedding Video Invitations

Process to Get Personalized Video Invitation

Step -1

Select the theme

Step -2

Fill the details

Step -3

Add to cart

Step -4

Make Payment

Step -5

Get Video on WhatsApp in 24 working hours

About us

Green FX helps you spread that magic around. It is our passion that makes every video an art work, full of wonder, life, celebration and passion. We make custom-made videos as per clients requirements. Also we have pre-designed videos like gift videos, video invitations, portfolio videos etc., the users just need to submit some details at the time of booking.

We have a variety of pre-designed video template projects that help video creators to work effortlessly. We create templates specifically for vloggers and reels makers who aren’t pro video editors but want their videos to look like professionally crafted.

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